Liquid Controls Flow Meters

Liquid Controls is a global market-leader in manufacturing accurate measuring instruments, offering highly engineered products for custody transfer. LC is renowned for their high-quality flow meters and accessories that deliver precise flow measurement of gas or liquid. Its increasing demand in industries that have these ever-changing requirements has led engineers to develop this product. At Ali Yaqoob Trading, we pride ourselves on being the leading supplier of Liquid Controls Flow Meter in UAE. Simply put, flow meters measure the rate of change in the flow of any liquid or gas that passes through the pipe.

We provide a comprehensive range of Liquid Controls flow meters and accessories that are exceptionally accurate, reliable, and durable across a broad range of applications. When you choose our products, we guarantee high quality combined with affordability. We work together and strive to ensure prompt delivery. Easy installation, low maintenance, and fewer moving parts has led LC meters to be preferred amongst many industries. To learn more about our product range, get in touch with our team today!




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Industries Utilizing Flow Meters

Flow meters are an essential instrument across varied industries in the region including:

  • Petrochemical Sector
  • Chemical Industry
  • F&B Sector
  • Marine
  • Aviation
  • Pharmaceutical Sector
  • Fuel & Oil Sector
  • Paints, Grease & Coating Sector
  • Military

Benefits of Flow Meters

Reduces Wastage: This is one of the primary benefits of flow meters. It accurately measures product that passes through it thereby reducing expensive losses of products.

Delivers Accurate Results: Liquid Controls flow meters are designed to resist harsh weather & environmental conditions and still provide accurate results.

Ability To Maintain Pressure Levels: The control valve (essential accessory of flow meter) enables it to control the direction of the fluid and normalize the velocity, hence maintaining the required pressure level.

Controls Velocity: Flow meters are utilized in various industries that need to measure the quantity of fluid in order to control the momentum and its usage simultaneously.

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