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Straub Couplings

Straub Couplings are the easiest way to join pipes of all materials. They require no special tools or pipe-end preparation. Flexible, lightweight, 316SS construction; Straub Couplings handle pipe-misalignment, vibration, and are used in shipbuilding, wastewater treatment, general industry, and construction. They will replace welded, flanged, threaded, or grooved type pipe joints. Straub, Hi-Performance Pipe Couplings, are the 21st Century way to join pipes. Available in diameters from 1″ to 120″.

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  • Description

The Straub system eliminates the need for any pipe end preparation, saving time and money. Assembly requires only a torque wrench to secure the pipe joint. The unique low profile design closes around the circumference of the pipe or tube, creating a leak tight seal without the need for lubricant. Straub couplings are used to join virtually any plain end pipe or tube including steel, stainless steel, ductile iron, FRP, PVC, CPVC, C900, CPP, concrete pipe, copper, and CuNi.

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